PIU to Pruka channel map

From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki

The following list outlines which PIU ports map to which Pruka inputs.

Example: If you plug a 20 Pole pinbox into the 20 Pole B port in the PIU, pins 1 through 10 on that pinbox will correspond to Pruka Block E, inputs 11-20.

Keep in mind that the "Channel" column in Pruka is an all-encompassing fixed list including EKG, pressure, EGM, stim... whereas the 2 "Inputs" columns are user-editable and typically refer to individual pins (or groups of pins bundled into a Carto cable.)

PIU port Corresponding Pruka Input
MAP Block C 1-4
Ref/Deca Block E 1-10
20 Pole A Block C 13-32
20 Pole B Block E 11-30
Quad A Block C 5-8
Quad B Block C 9-12