PDA Closure

From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki


  • BIPLANE - Patients arms securely positioned above head , keeping brachial plexus injury in mind.
  • Acist setup 100% contrast and naked-manifold for RH pressures


  • Micropuncture
  • (2) 6F Pinnacles
  • 6F 180 deg TorqueView OR 7F 180 deg TorqueView (ASK MD.) ** Last case they needed a 7F 180 but we didn’t have it and they made the 7F 90 work.


  • .035 x 260 J Wire
  • 260 angled glide


  • 6F pigtail
  • 6F JR4 diagnostic
  • 6F JR4 guide
  • 6F MP2 guide
  • 6F PA catheter
  • 5F IM diagnostic

Misc. Supplies:

  • 30mm Snare
  • Ultrasound probe cover
  • (2) 3-way stop cock
  • (2) Co-Pilots
  • Acist setup
  • Naked manifold
  • Perclose


Procedure Steps

  • 6F venous and arterial access on same side.
  • PA catheter advanced (If RHC needed performed now)
  • Pigtail to LV for EDP and pullback
  • Pigtail to arch for DSA 15/30 acist settings. (Change settings from CARD Alte. to DSA body 4, to accomplish bi-place cine)
  • Pigtail removed over Glidewire
  • 5F IM advanced over glide on arterial side
  • PA catheter removed over the 260 J wire
  • JR4 Guide catheter advanced over 260 J to the PA
  • Snare advanced thru the JR4 Guide and advanced to the PDA
  • Glidewire snared and pulled from the AO thru the PDA to the venous side, externalized
  • JR4 and snare removed
  • 5F IM exchanged for the 6F MP2 Guide
  • DSA 10/10 on acist thru the MP
  • MP and 6F sheath removed, TorqueView sheath advanced across the PDA to the venous side
  • Glidewire removed and plug advanced
  • DSA performed to confirm fit and position