Hao Claris Setup

From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki

1) Turn Amp On

2) Turn On Computer (top shelf in control room Z44O aka: Claris)

3) Stimulator Touchscreen (control room)

4) Stimulator EP-4 (Grey Pacing Channels should already be in off/ out position for automatic self-testing purposes). Check stimulator screen for “EP-4 ON” Self-Test Passed All Channels; proceed back into Lab 4 and push in Gray Pacing Channels Buttons on Stimulator EP-4. You will not be able to pace unless this process is complete.

5) Workmate Claris

A) Select Begin/ Review Study

1. Study Type; Begin New Study

2. Enter Patient Name (Last Name Space First Name/ no commas)

3. Enter ID/ use MRN

4. Select Cath Map (you can change this and protocol later under Setup)

B) Select Stim; select channel (This with establish communication between touchscreen and Claris as well allow you to visualize pacing channels during the case) Minimize window ‘-‘

C) Select RF; Device; Select Stockert for Carto cases (Ampere for Abbott); close out

D) Select Setup; check Cath Map and select Protocol (PVI AFib/Aflutter Carto for Hao)

E) Select Recall; RF window and Long on Right for Hao

F) Start Recording

G) Set Up Stim Touchscreen; select channel 4 for both F5 and F8