Elliott Groves M.D.

From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki

Glove size 7.5
  • Prefers Radial and Brachial
Radial Setup
  • 5/6 slender
  • Long Wholey to get up the arm
  • Long J to exchange
  • 6F JR4/JL3.5
Radial Cocktail
  • 2.5 Verapamil
  • 200 NTG
  • 60u/kg Heparin
Groin Setup
  • Micropuncture
  • Ultrasound
  • Does an angio post access
Closure Device
  • Perclose
Right Heart Setup
  • Brachial
  • 6/7 slender
  • Always TD
  • Stopcock for TD port
  • Biopsy preference is Jaws
  • Swan First
Intervention Setup
Phone Number +1-312-213-9402
Pager Number

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  • Prefers echo over LV Gram.
  • No slip-tip for vein.
  • Likes to drive.
  • Sion Blue workhorse wire.
  • AS cases, cross with J-wire and an MP.