Left Subclavian IABP

From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki
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If left subclavian is occluded or otherwise inaccessible procedure is aborted. IABP should not be inserted through right subclavian per CT surgery.


  • Micropuncture
  • (2) 4/5f slender radial sheath
  • Amplatz extra stiff 260cm wire
  • .035 150cm Jwire
  • 5f pigtail catheter
  • 5f JR4 diagnostic catheter
  • IABP kit
  • 8f 23cm safesheath (ep)(Romick) / 8fr x 23 brite-tip sheath (Spies)
  • Perclose
  • TR band
  • Biopatch
  • 0-Ethibond suture


  • Prep left side neck and chest (ear to nipple and shoulder to midline).
    • Note: The access site is not an absolute (may become axillary or subclavicular) hence the large site prep.
  • Prep left radial.
  • Left radial accessed and 4/5f slender sheath inserted.
  • Pigtail advanced and angiogram performed. Pigtail left in place and used as reference for subclavian access.
  • Subclavian accessed with ultrasound and fluoro guidance using micropuncture kit and radial sheath inserted.
  • Pigtail catheter removed.
  • J wire and JR4 inserted and directed to descending aorta.
  • Catheter and sheath removed, 8f dilator inserted, and perclose advanced for pre-closure.
  • Amplatz wire advanced, perclose removed, 8f sheath advanced.
  • IABP inserted.
  • Sheath peeled away. (Romick)
  • IABP secured with suture and site dressed.
  • Radial sheath removed and TR band applied.

Approved: md initials mm/yy