
From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki
Revision as of 19:48, 8 April 2020 by Cholm1 (talk | contribs)

FFR Adenosine

IC administration

  • Concentration: 10mcg/ml
  • 6mg/2ml Vial
  • Add 1.7ml from vial to 500ml NS

IV Administration

  • Concentration: 90mg/90ml (1mg/ml)
  • 90mg/30ml Vial
  • From 100ml NS Bag, Remove and waste 40ml from the bag
  • Add full Adenosine Vial (30ml) to 60ml NS remaining
  • IV administration rate - 140mcg/kg/min, (A. Beyer - 160mcg/kg/min)

IC Nicardipine (Cardene)

  • Concentration: 100mcg/ml
  • Premixed Drip
  • 10ml from drip to 20ml Syring
  • Dilute with 10ml of Normal Saline

IV Neosynephrine (Phenylephrine)

  • Concentration: 100mcg/ml
  • 10mg/ml Vial
  • Add 1ml to 100ml N.S.

IA & IC Verapamil

  • 5mg/2ml Vial
RADIAL IA: Scrub pulls 0.8 ml (1 mg dose) in a 20 ml sterile radial cocktail syringe = 200 mcg IA
IC: Scrub pulls 0.4 ml (0.5 mg dose) add to yellow syringe. Add 10 ml Heparinized Saline = 100 mcg/ml



  • Rotaglide 20 ml vial
  • Add 20 mg into 1000 ml of Normal Saline on pressurized bag
  • Give 108 inch non-vented fluid delivery set to scrub



  • Viperslide 100 ml bag or Rotaglide 20 ml vial
  • Add 20 ml of either solution to 1000 ml of Normal Saline
  • Hang the bag onto the hook attached to the CSI Device