
From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki
Revision as of 21:19, 11 November 2019 by Dronsfj (talk | contribs)


This is essentially a cath lab 14 so it needs to have EVERYTHING. (Sans balloons, stents, wires beyond runthrough.)

  • Review structural heart cart list and add guides that are on the list but not on the structural heart cart.
    • Structural heart cart currently only has guides specific to structural heart. For example, 8F MP 100cm was moved back into lab 1 from the cart. SO, we will need an 8F MP for the togo cart too. (can probably take from 6, but I'll let you wonderful people make that judgement call)
  • If you can find a better system for organizing the little things in the bottom bin, please do. The junk drawer-esque composition of it makes me twitch a little.
  • Maybe add bowls in the empty space? OR put some back on the TAVR cart.


  • Remove all wires
  • Add all Viabahns
  • Add all BAV balloons, leave 1 (or2) 25 Tyshak Nucleus on structural cart for septostomy.


  • Create "plug cart"
  • A million other things.