TAVI - JenaValve
From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki
Daniels/Spies - Draft
As of 12/11 we will now pace for ALL Jenavalve implants.
Anesthesia- MAC is our new standard. Have ICU on standby.
- 5Fr Micropunture Kit
- 6Fr x 10cm sheath
- 8Fr x 10 cm sheath
- 18F Cook Sheath- on standby
- (2) Cordis 150J
- Cordis 260J
- Safari 2
- 5Fr MPA
- 5Fr Angled Pigtail
- 5F MBP on standby
Medications on table:
- Lido/Bupivicaine 50/50
- Epinephrine 10mcg/ml in red medallion syringe (From anesthesia)
Miscellaneous Supplies
- 3-port manifold kit
- Acist hand control
- 1 L warm saline (on standby)
- 3 L cold saline
- (2) 60ml syringes (for back table)
- (2) 20ml syringes (one for back table one for front)
- stopcock (for back table)
- co-pilot (for back table)
- Roto-tubing (for back table, will be tossed over from table and spiked in pressure bag of hep saline)
- 500ml hep saline on pressure bag for delivery system
- (3) Perclose
- (5) bowls (cold saline in all 5 * NO need for contrast mix on back table *)
- Alligator pacer cable (Unipolar pacing)
- Suture removal kit (for back table)
On Standby : Transvenous pacemaker supplies
- 8F Brite tip Sheath
- 5Fr Josephson Pacing catheter
- Dual Red/Black Pacing Remington cables
- EP Quad Cable
- Standard TAVR access.
- Pigtail in contralateral access, injection for coplanar angle.
- Change injector to 10/10 after coplanar angle established.
- Pigtail exchanged for MPA
- Pigtail advanced on primary side for valve crossing over J wire
- Jwire exchanged for Safari and pigtail removed
- JV Guide sheath inserted (when ACT above 250)
- Delivery system attached to pressure bag via co-pilot on front table.
- Valve inserted and deployed
- Delivery system pulled back into JVsheath
- Possible exchange for 18F if concern about pulling safari through/BAV needed