Open MVI

From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki
Revision as of 19:32, 12 October 2021 by Suddemj (talk | contribs) (→‎Bring)

Hybrid OR Procedure

Gore-Tex skirt on valve
*7-0 Prolene
*.04 Gore-tex



  • TAVR pack
  • Certitude system
  • Crimper
  • 29 valve
  • 38 indeflator
  • Safari wire


  • Sentinel


  • TAVI cart
  • CL to-go cart
  • Small cath table
  • Very small utility table

  • 2 CL staff needed- 1 scrub 1 circulator/monitor
  • Leave carts in the hall
  • small cath table and small utility table in room for valve prep

  • IF Sentinel:
    • Surgical incision made first so anticoagulation can be performed after
    • Preprep device
    • Keep ACIST on cart and have ready to hook up, 100% contrast ok if creatnine ok

  • IF CP Bypass cannulas inserted by IC
    • 8F sheath first used for pigtail- AOgram for sentinel
    • Preclose A x 2
    • Standard ECMO equipment
  • Don't open valve equipment until cannulas and sentinel in place (if using)
  • Remove C arm after sentinel/cannula placement.

  • Remove Sentinel BEFORE PROTAMINE


  1. Setup on small cath table for valve sewing and crimping, small utility table for extra stuff
  2. Pt. in room. A-line, swan etc.
  3. Surgeon starts sewing valve
  4. Prep and drape
  5. Cardiologist inserts femoral cannulae same as ECMO.
  6. Surgeon opens chest
  7. When old valve is exposed, pre-crimp valve and confirm
  8. Crimp when ready, insert Safari into Certitude, and cut wire short (~1 foot out the back of the Certitude)
  9. Remove surgical obstructions and position valve under fluoro.
  10. Deploy valve
  11. Remove Certitude
  12. Close