From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki
Revision as of 17:39, 29 September 2021 by Suddemj (talk | contribs)
OCT instructions Page 1
OCT instructions Page 2
OCT Controller for sterile table
OCT connection to UniBoxlink=https://wiki.bayareastructuralheart.com/images/3/3f/OCT-to-UniBox.jpg
OCT controller power plug

Manufacturer: Abbott

Product website: OCT Overview


Note Note: Go to the menu -> Change Room to select the controller or room for ffr


The OCT Machine is kept behind Room 6. The Catheters for the device are kept in Room 1 - Cart #6, and Room 6, Cart # 17.

The table controller is now labeled as “Table Controller” in the unit for the purposes of connecting the Bluetooth.


  • OCT Machine
  • Dragonfly Catheter Kit


  1. Open Dragonfly to scrub.
  2. Attach white hand controller to table for MD and scrub.
  3. Plug controller in.
  4. Attach video cable.
  5. Turn device on. (black buttom - Right side of keyboard)
  6. Select Cath Lab 1 regardless of actual room. (Or click skip)
  7. Select add patient.
  8. Select manually add patient information.
  9. Enter patient information.
  10. Select new OCT recording.
  11. Follow prompts for setup and connection.


  1. Take Dragonfly from Circulator.
  2. Fill supplied syringe with straight contrast.
  3. Follow prompts on screen for setup.


  1. Save patient information.
    • Data only saved to device. Will eventually save to network.
  2. Shutdown device.
  3. Unplug and clean.

General Notes

Approved: MD Name MM/YY