Quantien RFR wire (Abbott)

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Abbott FFR console
Abbott FFR wire

This is the iFR and FFR wire currently used in the cath lab.

  • Unit will generally be kept behind Room 6


  1. Plug console in and turn on.
  2. Log into the device username:cpmcvn, password:cmpcvn
  3. If device was powered off less than 5 minutes ago, it will ask if you want to continue the same patient.
  4. Select the room you are in.
  5. Enter patient info. (Can be entered at the end for STEMI)
  6. Follow on-screen prompts
  7. Re-zero PA pressure on device and (Optional)McKesson
  8. Flush wire and place flat on table
  9. Press connect on machine, then turn on wire transmitter
    • Light should be solid green if connected
  10. Introduce wire into guide and advance until radio-lucent portion is outside the guide
  11. Equalize

Note Note: RFR may not show a steady 1.0 due to the way it is calculated

  1. Select mode at top, center of screen
    • RFR - Resting full-cycle Ratio (AKA - IFR)
      • Average of 5-beat difference through full cardiac cycle
      • Camera icon gives a single reading
      • Pullback button activates pullback
    • FFR - Traditional measurement using Adenosine
      • Follow physicians guidance for Adenosine and recording
      • Unit will display lowest measurement from recording
  2. Bottom left of screen contains options for vessel and drug labels
  3. Buttons at bottom of screen allow for switching between review and live screens
  4. Unit is not set up for archive as of yet. Record results in McKesson
  5. Unplug unit to turn off. This is OK per the rep.


  1. Turn everything off (Unplug)
  2. Turn recording console back on, and re-pair with wireless transmitter