-For single chamber Aveir, 2x 1L bags NS with 2000u heparin per liter bag, double spiked.
-For dual chamber Aveir, 4x 1L bags NS with 2000u heparin per liter bag, single spiked.
-Whether 2 or 4 bags, the lines labeled A/B will be on gravity, and the lines labeled C/D will be on pressure. 4x non pump tubings (2 per bag) labeled as listed above, spiked and primed. Optionally, if you want to clear the air from the gravity (A/B) lines faster, you can put it on pressure to flush, then come off pressure after they're flushed, as they need to be on gravity during the case per protocol.
-double label each line - one on roller clamp and one on the end where you attach to the extension.
-MD will verbalize when to flush and when to set to 1 drop per second (via roller clamp.)
-1L heparinized saline (10,000u heparin) on the scrub table
-50cc omnipaque or visipaque if indicated (can be cut to ~50/50)
-If RA Aveir, drop a 6f pinnacle, 6f angled pigtail, and 3 way stopcock. Some but not all RV Aveir will also drop those items (typically smaller patients, check w/MD)
-4x pressure tubing (labeled A, B, C, D)
-50-60cc syringe x2
-8fr pinnacle (or 8f dilator)
-7cm floppy tip 180cm .035" amplatz super stiff
-dilator 20f coons (altternatives: Endovascular Dilator Set (20 or 22), cook short dilators. Aveir sheath is 27f.)
-0.0 PDS + needle driver. (4/26 Dr. Hongo mentioned possibly wanting to try 2x preclose vs. z stitch, check with MD)
-rampart cover
-access cover x2 (tee/linear)
-possible additional 8f acunav, ice sleeve, 8f pinnacle (check w/MD)
created 03/29/23 zr