Bruce Brent M.D.

From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki
Revision as of 01:15, 8 October 2020 by Dronsfj (talk | contribs)

Glove size 8
  • Big needle
Radial Setup
  • 5/6 Slender
  • Cope mandril
  • 260J
  • JL3.5 / JR5
Radial Cocktail
  • 2.5mg Verapamil
  • 200mcg NTG
  • 60u/kg Heparin
Groin Setup
  • 6fr sheath
  • JL4 / JR4
Closure Device
  • Manual pressure
Right Heart Setup
  • Groin - LAMP 135 and Pigtail
  • Novatome for Jugular
  • See detail page for full notes
Intervention Setup
Phone Number 1-415-317-7868
Pager Number

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Groin access for RHC and BX

In order of use

  • U/S probe cover
  • Big needle
  • 7fr. x 10 Pinnacle
  • 7fr.TD swan
  • 8.5 LAMP (Exchange over provided .032 wire)
  • 6fr angled pigtail
  • 105cm JAWZ bioptome