Cryo Setup
From Bay Area Structural Heart Wiki
Cryo Equipment/Supplies
- Cryo Console (Located in sterile core)
- Cryo Catheter (4,6,or 8mm)
- Electrical Umbilical (Sterile core)
- Coaxial Umbilical (Sterile core)
- 8F sheath, usually a long sheath like an SR0
- Get cryo console and position towards the foot of table on scrub side
- Connect Scavenging Hose (white hose on console) to vacuum port on boom near anesthesia
- Plug in power cable
- Open refrigerant tank in console (Lefty Loosey)
- Power up console (It is recommended that power is on at least 15mins prior to starting procedure)
- Check for error messages (If yes, check all connections and refrigerant tank is open and full. Reboot)
- After power up - Complete patient info screen
- Connect Auto-connection box (located inside the console) to the front of the console
- Plug pin connector box (located in room at bottom of 3rd cabinet) into 20pole B
- Connect Auto connection box pins in 20pole B 1 through 4 (Distal to Proximal)
- Connect Electrical Umbilical to Auto connection box (From sterile table to ACB)
- Connect Coaxial Umbilical to front of Console (From Sterile table to Console)
- Connect Catheter to Electrical and coaxial umbilicals
- On Prucka, go to Pg 8