Setting up Abbott

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I.) St Jude Splitter (aka: Squid) -> GE Amp

A) Cable A from GE Amp -> Squid Port A ; Squid A Cable-> GE Amp Port A

B) ECG Cable from GE Amp -> Squid Port ECG ; ECG Cable from Squid -> GE Amp ECG Port

C) Pin Box D Cable (St Jude Cart Drawer)-> Squid Port D; Squid Cable D -> GE Amp Port D

D) Plug in EGM Cable (St Jude Cart Drawer): EGM port on Ampere (green) -> Pin Box D 29-32

II.) Tactisys

A) Black Box Power Cable on top of St Jude Cart (black/grey) -> Tactisys

B) Generator Cable Ampere (yellow/ in cart drawer) -> Tactisys RF Port (green)

III.) St Jude Mapping Station Cables

A) Ethernet Cable -> Ethernet Port (back of Tactisys)

B) Amplifier Fiberoptic Cable Set -> Amplifier Ports (Amplifier on St Jude Cart)

C) Ampere Fiberoptic Cable Set -> Ampere Ports (Ampere on St Jude Cart)

D) Fiberoptic Cable (grey/black ONLY) -> Ultrasound Port (on light wave box for Vantageview)

IV.) St Jude Control Room Cables

A) GE VGA Cable -> GE VGA Port (back of Ampere)

B) RF Remote Cables -> RF Remote Cable Ports (back of Ampere)

V.) Ablation Pump

A) Power Cable (St Jude Cart drawer)

B) VGA Pump Cable (back of St Jude Cart) -> VGA Port (back of Cool Point Pump)

VI.) Patient Patching

A) Secure Magnet to table with connected Magnet Cable (Field Port on side of Status-> Magnet)

B) NavLink (St Jude Drawer): place on table and connect to St Jude Green Port on Amplifier

C) PRS-A and PRS-B Cables (aka: magnet cables): place on patient table (Connected to Ref Ports on front of Status)

VII.) Power up System

A) Plug in: Power Cable on Back of Power Box (St Jude Cart) to grounded outlet

B) Turn on Power Switches: Power Box, Amplifier, Ampere, Tactisys, Ablation Pump

VIII.) Control Room

A) Turn Black Knob (base of electrical tower): Carto B -> Abbott A

B) CardioLab: Stockert -> Null -> Ibi1500T (study configuration, ablation, drop down menu select Ibi1500T, Apply, Close) At the end of the case turn Ibi1500T -> Null

C) VantageView: Woods